Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Poem For Our Times, Hungry Child

Hungry child,

I didn't make this world for you.

You didn't buy any stock in my railroad.

You didn't invest in my corporation.

Where are your shares in standard oil?

I made the world for the rich

And the will-be-rich

And the have-always-been-rich.

Not for you,

Hungry child.*

-- Langston Hughes, “God to Hungry Child”

 A Poem For Our Times, or, in other words, Shame on Us.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Health Care Thoughts for the Election: WHY

Does the U.S. rank 176 in the world in infant mortality (6.6/1000)

Do 16% of our population live below the poverty line?

Do Children of the poor only get to eat at school?

Do charities and teachers have to provide so many school supplies?

Do so many not have health care?

Do many seniors have to decide between food and medicine?

Is the U.S. 11th in per capita product? 127th in growth of the GDP?

Are we 121st in maternal mortality with 24 deaths per 100,000 live births, behind countries like S. Korea, Slovenia, Macedonia and Greece?

Are we 50th in the world for life expectancy at birth? 78.73 years. Monaco has an expectancy of 89.73 years.

Source: CIA World Factbook